Nicole is now 12 years old. She is in her last year of elementary school. Nicole loves to dance and is very talented.
Lucy is 13 years old. She has started middle school. She is in a special program at West High School called International Bacalaureate.
Mike and Patti and their two boys
The Moore family has the unique distinction of three birthdays on September 23rd. Paul's son, Mike, is a September 23rd birthday, and 30 years later, our granddaughter Lucy was born. One year after that, to the day, Nicole was born. These were all natural births, so the coincidence is remarkable.
Happy Belated Birthdays to Mike, Lucy, and Nicole. (I have been without a computer for the last four days. That's why I am so pokey!)
Project Completion with Key Achievements
4 months ago
That is quite a coincidence! I bet all of the pregnant women in the family hold their breath each year on that day!!
That is so cool there are so many family birthdays on the same day!
Yes, my mother, sister and I all had our last kids on this day. At least Lisa and I hope we are through having kids!
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