Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day - 2010

Melanie offered to host Mother's Day at her place this year. She and Natalie made the delicious dinner, and I just relaxed and came as a guest.

Melanie's home is beautifully decorated. She really has talent in that area (which she didn't inherit from her mother).

Derek conked out on the love seat right after dinner. He had been up til 3:00 A.M. at a sleepover last night. Jake followed suit. Megan was the bouncy, animated one of the group!

It is hard to go through a Mother's Day weekend without missing my mom. She was such a wonderful mother, and it seems as the years go on, I miss her more. I am grateful for my two daughters who are so loving and thoughtful to me.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!! I miss Grandma too!